viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

Human Rights Watch : bombas de racimo en Georgia

Human Rights Watch (HRW) acaba de publicar en su página (vean la foto Georgians look at the remnants of an RBK-250 cluster bomb dropped by Russian aircraft on the village of Ruisi, near South Ossetia, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008. © Private) la siguiente noticia (que los medios alemanes han empezado a comentar): Georgia: Russian Cluster Bombs Kill Civilians

La Streubombe o cluster bomb o cluster bomb unit, abreviado: CBU, en castellano bombas de racimo, llamada también (la denominación viene de Finlandia) paneras o canastos para el pan de Molotov (recordemos que Molotov fue ministro de relaciones exteriores de Stalin y en esta calidad, firmó el Pacto Hitler-Stalin).

Justo cuando, esta mañana, el ya citado embajador de la Federación en Berlín, Wladimir Katenov, anunció que el presidente Medvedev mostrará a la sra. canciller información irrefutable acerca del genocidio perpetrado por Georgia (¿cuándo? ¡en un par de horas que fue lo que tardó el avance georgio hacia Tsjinval!) en Osetia... ¿O sería también en Abjasia?

Cito la primera parte de la Noticia de HRW:

Human Rights Watch researchers have uncovered evidence that Russian aircraft dropped cluster bombs in populated areas in Georgia, killing at least 11 civilians and injuring dozens, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch called upon Russia to immediately stop using cluster bombs, weapons so dangerous to civilians that more than 100 nations have agreed to ban their use.

“Cluster bombs are indiscriminate killers that most nations have agreed to outlaw,” said Marc Garlasco, senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch. “Russia’s use of this weapon is not only deadly to civilians, but also an insult to international efforts to avoid a global humanitarian disaster of the kind caused by landmines.”

Human Rights Watch said Russian aircraft dropped RBK-250 cluster bombs, each containing 30 PTAB 2.5M submunitions, on the town of Ruisi in the Kareli district of Georgia on August 12, 2008. Three civilians were killed and five wounded in the attack. On the same day, a cluster strike in the center of the town of Gori killed at least eight civilians and injured dozens, Human Rights Watch said. Dutch journalist Stan Storimans was among the dead. Israeli journalist Zadok Yehezkeli was seriously wounded and evacuated to Israel for treatment after surgery in Tbilisi. An armored vehicle from the Reuters news agency was perforated with shrapnel from the attack.

(...) Cluster munitions contain dozens or hundreds of smaller submunitions or bomblets. They cause unacceptable humanitarian harm in two ways. First, their broad-area effect kills and injures civilians indiscriminately during strikes. Second, many submunitions do not explode, becoming de facto landmines that cause civilian casualties for months or years to come. In May 2008, 107 nations agreed to a total ban on cluster munitions, but Russia did not participate in the talks.

Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed numerous victims, doctors, and military personnel in Georgia. They examined photos of craters and video footage of the August 12 attack on Gori. Human Rights Watch has also seen a photo of the submunition carrier assembly and nose cone of an RBK-250 bomb in Gori. The Gori video showed more than two dozen simultaneous explosions during the attack, which is characteristic of cluster bombs. Two persons wounded in Gori described multiple simultaneous explosions at the time of the attack. Craters in Gori were also consistent with a cluster strike.

Doctors at the two main hospitals in Tbilisi described numerous injuries to civilians hurt in the attack on Gori they believed were consistent with cluster bombs. Human Rights Watch researchers saw a submunition fragment extracted from one victim’s head.

Human Rights Watch interviewed several hospitalized victims of the attack in Gori. Twenty-five-year-old Keti Javakhishvili suffered massive trauma to her liver, stomach, and intestines, as well as hemorrhagic shock. Two other victims sustained fragment wounds to their legs and abdominal regions. All the wounds were consistent with those caused by submunitions from cluster bombs.

Photographic evidence on file with Human Rights Watch shows a civilian in Ruisi holding a PTAB submunition without realizing it could explode at the slightest touch. This incident highlights the dire need to educate immediately the population of Georgia about the dangers of these submunition “duds.”

Human Rights Watch called on Russia to provide precise strike data on its cluster attacks in order to facilitate clean up of the inevitable lingering contamination from cluster bomb submunitions that failed to explode on contact but remain deadly.

Human Rights Watch also called on Georgia, which is known to have RBK-500 cluster bombs in its stockpiles, to join the international move to ban the use of cluster munitions and publicly to undertake not to use such weapons in this conflict.

Russia was not part of the Oslo Process launched in February 2007 to develop a new international treaty banning cluster munitions. In May 2008, 107 nations adopted the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which comprehensively bans the use, production, trade and stockpiling of the weapon. It will be open for signature in Oslo on December 3, 2008.

“Russia should never have fired cluster munitions against a town in Georgia and now it should help in the clean-up to avoid any more deaths,” Garlasco said.

4 comentarios:

parcass dijo...


Una tonteria: las bombas o cocktel molotov: viene de la invasion rusa a finlandia: Molotov le hablaba a los finlandeses que estaba enviando comida.

Bueno, dijeron los F: Uds pongan la comida, nosotros ponemos el cocktel!

Te recomiendo el post de Marcos sobre la Rusofobia y el link de la wiki:que tiene otro,(en ruso) donde hacen el ranking de las publicaciones antirusas de la prensa occidental.
Si lees ruso, por ahi haces un lindo articulo.

Yo, me quedo con las ideas de Barnett.
Un saludo
ramon c

Marta Salazar dijo...

no Parcass,

no son cocktail molotov!

lee por favor el artículo de Wikipedia...

pensé que tú eras médico...

a Mc lo leo siempre, desde hace muuuucho tiempo, gracias x recomendármelo!

parcass dijo...


Y si soy medico.

Si ya se que las bombas racimo no son cocktail..

Por eso dije :"...una tonteria"

ramon c

Marta Salazar dijo...

insisto en que leas el artículo de Wiki... y veas las fotos...
