jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

David Neuhaus sobre la próxima visita del Papa en Tierra Santa

David Neuhaus S.I., nos dice Haaretz (las negritas son mías), "immigrated to Israel on his own when he was 15. He studied at a Jerusalem boarding school and in 1978 he won first prize in a quiz on the history of Jewish settlement in Israel. He had already begun the process that ended, in the early 1990s, in his joining the Catholic Church. His parents, traditional Jews from Germany, suffered but respected his decision. The term "convert" makes him angry. He respects Jewish tradition and he celebrated the Passover seder with friends, religious Jews. "I have a very strong sensitivity for the Jewish roots of the Church, for its ongoing connection with the Jewish people and with Jesus' Jewish identity," Father Neuhaus said. He feels a part of Jewish, not only Israeli, society and culture: "It's in my kishkes," he said.".

Después de haber escuchado la Conferencia de mi amiga Marie v. Mirbach (que estudió en Israel y acaba de volver a Alemania) sobre los judíos cristianos (ver Conferencia sobre Arnold von Harff) no me resulta extraña la biografía de David Neuhaus.

Recomiendo el artículo de Zenit con una entrevista a Neuhaus, en su calidad de vicario patriarcal para los católicos hebreohablantes (www.catholic.co.il), en el Patriarcado Latino de Jerusalén. La entrevista en:

El Papa visita Tierra Santa como hermano de musulmanes y judíos

No dejen de leer también el artículo Benedicto XVI: "Voy como peregrino de paz" a Tierra Santa

y también (muy bueno): Shalom, Heiliger Vater!

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