jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Desde Praga

De Radio Praga, recomiendo:

El Senado aprueba el Tratado de Lisboa, aquí más largo, en inglés (me pregunto ¿por qué generalmente las noticias en castellano son, por decirlo de una manera elegante, "diferentes" a aquellas en otros idiomas?) Czech Senate approves Lisbon but Klaus holding out over putting signature to ratification, en alemán, Lissabonner Vertrag nimmt wichtige Hürde in Tschechien: Ratifizierung im Senat

y, esto sí que es muy importante, gracias a la presidencia checa por este logro! Prague is hosting two European Union summits on jobs and improving ties with six former Soviet states on Thursday (Sarkozy y Brown no viajan a Praga... why?):

"Prague is hosting two European Union summits on jobs and improving ties with six former Soviet states on Thursday, as part of the Czech presidency of the European Union. Representatives of the 27 members of the bloc are set to discuss how to deal with the impacts of the financial crisis on employment and how to help the jobless get back to work at the city’s Congress Centre. The same venue will later host the launch of the EU’s Eastern Partnership initiative, which aims to strengthen ties with, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova. ".

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