Queridos amigos, ayer busqué el texto completo del Mensaje anual del presidente ruso a la Asamblea Federal o discurso de Medjwedew en la Duma. En Ria Novosti, sin embargo, hay en inglés, un resumen de los puntos más importantes, lo cito a continuación.
No sin antes expresarles nuestra preocupación (en Alemania y países vecinos), debido al anuncio del gobierno ruso de instalar misiles rusos en la frontera polaca, en respuesta al sistema norteamericano en Polonia y la Rep. Checa, de defensa de posibles ataques (se dice que de parte de países como Irán).Los misiles serían instalados en la región de Königsberg -una de las más pobres y con menos futuro de Rusia-, exclave ruso en el país de Kant (Königsberg, hoy Kaliningrad fue parte de Alemania hasta la II Guerra, pero supongo que Uds. lo saben), en la provincia más occidental de Rusia y al lado de la frontera "con la OTAN".
El mapa es de Wikimedia, ¡mil gracias!
Asimismo, se instalarán -anunció- radares de interferencia (Taras ya nos había hablado del que había en Ucrania, llamado el Pájaro carpintero, ver El pájaro carpintero soviético o Russian Woodpecker) en Kaliningrad.
A, como si esto fuera poco, que tres regimientos de esos que se encargan de los misiles (no sé cómo se llaman en términos militares) permanecerían, al sur oeste de Rusia, en alerta permanente.
Se ha hecho notar que, el Pdte. ruso, en su discurso, no mencionó, ni felicitó, ni nada que se le parezca, al nuevo Pdte. norteamericano, recién elegido. En la tarde, se dijo, envió un telegrama de felicitación; pero habría sido más apropiado felicitarlo públicamente en su discurso.
Steinmeier llamó (esta mañana en entrevista) al gobierno ruso a aprovechar el cambio de gobierno en los EEUU, para mejorar las relaciones con el país americano. ¡Tiene razón!
El resumen de Ria Novosti (citado, no copio todo, por lo del derecho de autor). ¡Muchas gracias!
- Georgia's military offensive on South Ossetia was a consequence of policies unilaterally followed by the U.S. administration
- Russia will push for reforms to global political and economic systems
- Russia will not give up its role in the Caucasus
- Political and economic changes in Russia will not violate political freedoms and private property
- Russia will fulfill its obligations to protect individuals' savings, pensions and social security
- Russia will establish a self-sufficient financial system in the near future
- pledged that the implementation of the country's strategic programs will continue on schedule
- the global credit crisis is far from over, and the government and business must consider this factor in their planning
- warned against attempts to ignite social and national strife amid the financial crisis
- proposed guaranteeing parliamentary seats for parties that win between 5% and 7% of the vote
- warned against delays in implementing the government's bailout measures
- proposed to abolish election deposits in Russia
- proposed drawing up amendments to ensure a rotation of party leaders
- said the Internet and digital TV guarantee freedom of speech
- proposed extending the presidential and parliamentary terms of office from the current four years to six and five years respectively
- proposed a gradual reduction in the number of voter signatures required for parliamentary polls
- said he would present a draft law reducing the time civil cases are considered by courts
- said the Constitution plays an important role in establishing Russia's democracy and is a guarantee of the country's resurgence
- urged a reduction in federal executive bodies in the regions
- suggested granting more power to parliament, placing the activities of the government under the supervision of the State Duma
- announced that 2010 will be the Year of the Teacher
- Russia will deploy short-range Iskander missiles in its exclave of Kaliningrad next to Poland in response to U.S. missile plans for Europe
- Russia has cancelled plans to take three missile regiments out of service in the central part of the country, in response to the U.S. missile shield plans for Europe
- Russia will not be drawn into an arms race, but will continue to ensure the security of its citizens
- hoped the new U.S. administration will seek better relations with Russia
- the ongoing global economic crisis is no reason to nationalize domestic industries and banks
- Russia has sent its proposals on reforming the global economic system to the G20 nations
- Russia should adopt legislation on establishing the country as a global financial center by the end of the year
- Russia will continue its efforts to settle the post-Soviet conflicts over Nagorny Karabakh and Transdnestr
- Russia will use electronic warfare to counteract the U.S. missile shield
- urged a switch to the ruble in payments for gas and oil supplies
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